Refine Your Reality

Refine Your Reality
Spiritual Laws, Quantum Physics, Massive Transformation

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!!

To close 2010 appropriately, I wish to share 11 tips on How To Stay Young that were sent to me by a dear friend:

1. Throw out non-essential numbers.

This includes age, weight and height.
Let the doctors worry about them.
That's why you pay them.

2. Keep only cheerful friends.

The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning.

Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever...
Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.'
And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud.

Laugh until you gasp for breath.

6. The tears happen.

Endure, grieve and move on.
The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves.
Be ALIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love...

Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever.
Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health.

If it is good, preserve it.
If is is unstable, improve it.
If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips.

Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county,
to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people around you that you love them at every opportunity.


Life is not measured by the breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away.

I hope you will share this message with someone...
We all need to live life to its fullest each day.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Why do we need self-improvement anyway?

Have you ever pondered self improvement and how it might change your life? This has been an active undercurrent in my life for a good number of years. With all the new thought that is being published and broadcast in the media, it is becoming even more important for me to remain diligent in addressing this issue in my own life.

By writing this web log, I have invited you to join me in this journey. In my research, I have stumbled upon several aspects of self improvement and an equal number of ways to achieve personal goals.

The main purpose of this blog is to share some of these concepts with you. Of course, the key, for you, is to find the one that enables you to break your specific weakness into small steps so that you can take one step at a time in achieving your self-improvement goal.

The one central obstacle to achieving one’s self-improvement goal seems to be
“fear”. The underlying cause of this fear can usually be traced back to lack of self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and doubt. Just, where did these negative self-concepts originate?

If one has an open mind, one does not have to look too far. Now, comes the “sticky” question? Do you have what it takes to start reprogramming your subconscious behavior?

If you are affluent, you see a therapist/coach who effectively relieves you of some of your financial wealth in exchange for teaching you some self-hypnosis exercises and/or gives you some medication to ease your anxiety. For some, there is always the local neighborhood bar at which we drown our troubles with our friends and neighbors who are in the same life situation.

Another more viable idea is to turn to the volumes of self-improvement books and CD’s. "Been there and done that." However, after carefully spending $1,000+, I did find some very good advice that has helped me get on the road to “emotional recovery”.

If you are angry, judgmental, jealous, unhappy, et al, you have some problems that need to be addressed. Yes, a change in attitude is in order and you must take responsibility now or continue to experience the same unhappiness until you finally make a choice to take remedial action.

Now, we come almost back to the place where we began this discussion. Self improvement generally refers to improving one’s peace of mind by eliminating stress and anxiety. The stress and anxiety can be found within the intellectual, emotional, psychological or spiritual levels of one’s life or in any combination thereof.

To undertake self-improvement, one must reflect and rely on his own knowledge that has been gained through experience, self-dependence, and self-identity. It goes without saying; you must have a strong desire to embark on this journey. It is a lot easier when you have the support of family members and friends.

I invite you to join/stay with me on this journey of learning and self-exploration. It is, indeed, a rewarding journey.

Take care and have a Wondrous Christmas Holiday filled with the Blessings of Peace and Love.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Overcoming Fear and Worry

Do you ever wonder why you seem to be unable to achieve your goals or the level of success you desire? Do you come up with answers which tend to blame other people, the business climate or just the weather?

Experience has taught me that the act of blaming is the projection of the negative beliefs you are trying to ignore and hide from the outside world.

A very powerful belief and obstacle is the desire of approval and acceptance of the community of family and friends. Unfortunately, this desire of approval and acceptance will not help you achieve anything but conformity with a broken society filled with double standards. These double standards are found everywhere you look, ranging in the difference between religious groups, laws, et al.

This is not a new thought. This was built into the basic foundations of civilization to empower the people with higher intelligence with the responsibility of governing the community. When wealth became the symbol of intelligence, then everything changed. The universal values of Truth, Peace, Love and Non-violence were buried in the Struggle for Power. What you see in today’s world is the result.

The Good News is that there is another community whose members, spearheaded by scientific breakthroughs, have dedicated their lives to the power contained in the universal values of Truth and Love. Their numbers are small but growing as their discoveries are broadcast in the media each day.

By seeking this knowledge, you have short cut to a direct understanding of the un-truths that you have buried in your subconscious mind. Any information along this line of thinking encourages you to take the essential actions to remove the resulting dis-ease and unhappiness in your life; and, thereby, healing your mind and body. I have heard it said that if something does not serve you, it is an un-truth. And all un-truths are like the clutter and trash that needs to be hauled to the dump.

Are you ready to change your life?

Take care until we meet again.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Fallacy of Time [Part 2 of 2]

Organizing Your Daily Responsibilities

As promised, here are some ideas to help you manage and achieve your daily responsibilities:


Think about all the things you want to accomplish at the start of the day. Make a list if you can keep note pads handy. It will make you feel more comfortable andhis is a good way to keep track of your tasks and commitments.

Handling Interruptions

You may have several interruptions that require your attention. Take each in stride. Later, it is important to return your concentration and efforts on the prior item only. Do not give thought to any of the remaining items on your list.

Congratulate yourself upon completion of each item.

Be Creative.

Time is an element when simple creativity can be practiced with great efficiency. Plan your daily tasks around your outside commitments and appointments. There are some things you can accomplish by “multi-tasking” such as laundry, or dishes, if you have a dishwasher.

Arrange to do grocery shopping and other errands after doctor’s appointments. Or you can arrange to pick up the kids from school after shopping. This saves gasoline too. You can even do the cooking at the same time by using a slow cooker as it cooks food all by itself and doesn't require your attention.

New Tasks

When you have to do a certain task for the first time, often there is no clear direction on how it should be done. Take a few minutes to plan it out. If there is no immediacy, you can give thought to this task before going to bed at night. Often you will know how to approach it the next morning. Either way, this will save you from a great deal of anxiety/stress.

Visualize Completed Outcome

Visualize the outcome of your objective and the resulting pleasure. Think about any alternatives that you can do to make it even better. Choose the best one of these.

If there is only one option, just do it “one step at a time". A friend would often remind me, “The difficult, we do now, the impossible just takes a little longer.

There is only this one single moment called NOW. Be happy and above all, “Love yourself” ‘cuz, my friend, that’s all YOU have.

Have a Great Day and thank you for allowing me to share these thoughts with you.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Fallacy of Time [Part 1 of 2]

What is Time?

There is a saying, “Time is gold.” If this were so, then we would have no need for money.

Unfortunately, however, we are ultimately measured by the amount of money and material wealth we accumulate in our lifetime. Thus, if your possessions are few, society judges you by “declaring” you have not used our time in a productive manner.

Time Can Be and Often Is an Enemy

Regardless of the circumstances of our birth, “rich” or poor, each of us are literally born into a world of stress from the very first moment of our lives.

We are often told, “Time is a precious commodity. Once it’s gone, it cannot be recovered.” “Don’t waste your time/my time.” Blah, blah, blah.

Without getting into physics, time is a only concept, the measurement of a dimension we use to determine the age of physical objects.

We use time in our daily lives to measure our activities, “How much did we accomplish within certain preconceived time frames.” We seem to be caught in the trap of always measuring and judging ourselves and others.

Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Instead, we really need to celebrate all the things we accomplish, the love and kindness we share with family members and friends and the wonderful things we learn as a result.

Time Can Be Recovered

It is a well-known fact that stress can shorten your life span by a significant number of years. Conversely, you can add years to your life by eliminating stress. “The ball is in your court.”

I will share my list of suggestions to organize your daily responsibilities in next week’s article.

Until then, take good care and savor each breath of your precious life.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Using Affirmations as a Key to Achieve Self Improvement

Good Morning and Welcome

Part 2 of 2 - Basic Rules to Follow in Using Affirmations

1. Declare Affirmations in “The Now” and with Gratitude

It is essential to state your affirmation in the present tense, with a feeling of gratitude as though you are already experiencing your desire. For example, “I am grateful I am happy right now.” Always begin your affirmation with the words, "I am".

If your affirmation of a future desire presents a “block” for you, revise it by adding. “I choose to be a happy being right now.” Or, “I allow myself to increase my monthly income $xxx by [??? date].”


Using negative words in your affirmation draws the undesired condition to you. I have heard it said that the mind does not recognize the words “no” and “not”. Thus, in using one of these words in your affirmation, the mind ignores the “no” or “not” words and you end up asking for more of what you don’t want. Ugh!!

3. Use the “KISS” Formula

“Keep it [your affirmation] short and simple.” State your affirmation in concise words which declare your desire using as few words as possible.

Repeat it often and/or make it a mantra. I frequently go to sleep repeating my mantra. And, quite often, I will wake up and be aware that the mantra is echoing in my mind.

4. Take Action

By using your affirmation as a often repeated mantra, it is easy to become so involved in believing your desired goal. Thus, it becomes second nature to select and take the actions to bring it into your experience.

A Word of Caution

Your success in achieving your goals may/may not happen “overnight”.

If you are unsuccessful, more-than-likely, you have some buried subconscious beliefs that are blocking you. These are the multitude of “stickums” that accumulate from childhood, parental, educational, cultural, and other life experiences which are indelibly stored in your memory bank.

Unfortunately, we are limited by these beliefs, whether conscious or unconscious. However, there are many books, ebooks, cassette tapes, CD’s, etc. that will help you to recognize and uncover some of these “blocks”. Some are advertised here; but, there are others as well. My favorite is listed in the bottom section of this blog, Dr. Robert Anthony's "The Dynamic Power of Deliberate Creation".

It is absolutely essential have an open mind, free of pride/ego, approach and analyze all information as it applies to you with complete honesty. Be assured this is your private world and no one else has to be a part of your private journey unless you choose otherwise.

If you follow these rules, affirmations are an excellent way to change your attitude. And, by changing your attitude, you succeed in changing your life.

Take good care!! Make each day a Wonderful and Joyous Thanksgiving Celebration.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Using Affirmations as a Key to Achieve Self Improvement-Part 1 of 2 - What Is An Affirmation?

Good Morning and Welcome

What Is An Affirmation?

According to Wikipedia, an affirmation is a declaration that something is true.

The familiar phrase, “I am, therefore I exist,” is attributed to Descartes as affirming one’s existence as a being. It may be a simple phrase, but it says everything about the individual being who is saying them. It indicates a confidence not commonly found among other beings.

Affirmations in Vogue

While affirmations are used in prayer, the use of affirmations became more in vogue with the New Age Movement.

Affirmation is a combination of verbal and visual techniques that succinctly describes the desired state of mind of a person. Strong affirmations can be very powerful, and can be used by almost anyone to achieve his goals and fulfill his desires. However, the power of an affirmation is often limited by the ingrained belief held by the subconscious mind. Therein lies this challenge.

Affirmation, used in the manner, is an assertion made by a person, about something or about a state of being. A person can choose the desired goals he/she wishes to attain, like “I now have a good life.” Being healthy in mind, body, and spirit can also be made possible through affirmation.

Using Affirmations

Though challenging, the use of affirmations can be a very powerful way to empower one’s subconscious. Once the habits of the subconscious are disciplined to accept one’s affirmation as being true, the conscious mind reacts accordingly with the desired reactions. By using affirmations, one is often enabled to do, to work, and to strive for more things. Affirmations are ways to help people to believe in themselves and to put their thoughts into action.

Come back next week. Our article will outline some of the basic rules you need to follow in using affirmations.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Obstacles to Self Improvement-Part 6 of 6 - Pride

Good Morning and Welcome Back

Pride is a great obstacle to Self Improvement mainly because it is considered as one of the seven deadly sins. According to Wikipedia, "In Ancient Greece, instances of pride were termed hubris because of the added connotation that pride was a crime against the gods and would result in fatal retribution. The word was also used to describe those who considered themselves more important than the gods themselves."

I see pride as an important concept that is really being misused by our culture. I see it is being used as a psychological weapon to influence the masses into buying whatever ideas/things that are being "hawked " by the media; thereby, promoting "pride" as a status symbol of materialistic ownership.

This emotion grows/evolves into some of the other feelings that are part of pride such as: arrogance, judgmental, superior, unfeeling and vain. These are feelings of separateness. There are many historical incidents to support what eventually happens when pride consumes your psyche.

What is "Pride"? It is a verb frequently used in a reflexive sense of "congratulating oneself" [Online Etymology Dictionary @2010 Douglas Harper].

Using this context, taking pride in ones work and/or pride in ones accomplishments can be a good starting point in achieving self improvement. Not only have you done something that benefited you, you have given a unique and special gift, an example, to those around you. My first mentor always reminded me, "By example do we teach."

I also find inner peace through being grateful, not only for the opportunity and experience of learning/doing, but that I was able physically and mentally to meet and achieve my goals.

Take care!! Hope to see you next week with more insights in Self Improvement techniques that you can use.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Obstacles to Self Improvement-Part 5 of 6 - Anger

Good Morning and Welcome Back

In all honesty, "What is your "take" on anger?" Are you prone to get angry often? What is it that makes you angry?

Without being aware of it, many of us spend a great deal of time in the emotional world of anger. Several years ago, my mentor once told me that I lived in the emotional world of anger. I was dumbfounded; and, yes, my 'prideful" feelings were somewhat bruised.

"How could this be," I asked myself. What did I do to make him even suggest that I lived in the world of anger? I guess my error was that I always considered anger as being an outward manifestation of aggressive and belligerent behavior, hostile, outraged,vengeful and violent.

Anyway, I pondered this personal criticism for a long time. If the matter be known, I still ponder it from time to time only because I happen to believe our political environment, no matter what country you live in, cultivates a lot of our anger by nipping away our personal rights/freedoms in the name of religious beliefs or morality. This can and does create an overlying "cloud cover" of stress which effectively blocks the "feel good" emotion of the warm sunshine of the day and the clear starry skies at night.

So, where does this leave us? My own personal solution is to ignore the external influences in favor of seeking the inner peaceful place [heart/soul] of being. This takes a strong intention/determination; but, believe me, it is worth the effort. Unless you can free yourself of the baggage of false teachings/indoctrination, whatever its source, this euphoria of joy and inner peace will not happen.

This series on "Obstacles to Self Improvement" is almost finished. Part 6 of 6 will be related to "pride".

I welcome your feedback. Your feedback/comments are extremely important to me. If you have found these articles to be of help in understanding how these obstacles impact your well being and inner peace; or if you would like additional articles on "Obstacles to Self Improvement" or some other related aspect, please feel free to post a comment.

Until next week, please do take care.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Obstacles to Self Improvement-Part 4 of 6

Good Morning and Welcome Back

Lust is usually present when your daily life is full of hiccups with one stumbling block after another. When this is the case, be on the lookout for its subtle influences.

Lust is another big obstacle to the self improvement goals you wish to achieve. It is not limited to obsession with someone of the opposite sex. Lust is an emotional appetite for any thing you feel that "you can't live without".

Just the other day, I had a very interesting experience with this emotion.

I'm not sure exactly where to begin this story. Anyway, I was presented with an opportunity to change my life. This chance opportunity awakened a long-held dream I had had for several years. Perhaps, the Law of Attraction was working for me after all. All the details of my dream fitted into place. My infatuation grew with the idea of a new life filled with new adventures.

So I set about to make this happen. I literally wore myself out rearranging my life and/or "scheming" for five days.

This is how easy it is to allow/permit "lust" to take control. When the long-held dream failed to materialize for me, it was then, I was "shocked" and awakened to the realization; "Hey, I was really causing myself a great deal of stress in my desire to have this experience to come into my life." Immediately, at this moment, my inner peace was restored.

We need to be vigilant. Lust is ever present in our daily lives, and manifests itself when we are are not completely satisfied with our life "right here and now". It is very easy to lose control of these "I wants/needs"; and, as a result, you can easily become compulsive and manipulative in trying to satisfy your perceived needs. If you choose to ignore this emotion, you can quickly fall into the trap of addiction and loss of self esteem.

The grass on the other side of the fence may appear to be much greener, but it comes with a price, sometimes a very high price.

See you next week when I share some thoughts on the emotional attributes of anger.

Until then, take care, my friend!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fear, An Obstacle to Self Improvement-Part 3b of 6

Good Morning and Welcome Back

Fear, in itself, is a gift. It is a vital part of our survival skills and alerts us to the possibility of danger; as you well know, the basic instinct relating to "fight or flight".

Let's continue our discussion relating to FEAR and identify some of the more common the types of FEAR that invade our emotions and, thereby, control our lives.

At this point, for starters, I ask you to consider each of the "labeled feelings" on this list and how it affects you. How about: anxious, apprehensive, evasive, frantic, inhibited, insecure, panic, paralyzed, paranoid, trapped, uneasy, vulnerable? This is, by no means, a comprehensive list. There are other feelings associated with fear; but, I think this will give you a good start.

It is the FEAR that is buried deep in our sub-conscious [that has accumulated during our entire lifetime] that so easily dominates our conscious reactions. There is good reason to equate FEAR with Cancer. They are, indeed, quite similar. If left unchecked/untreated, FEAR consumes the mind while cancer consumes the body. Actually, this fear is a gift [a wake-up call], albeit, a painful one.

While FEAR is based on past experiences, it really impacts your future. Picture, if you will, trying to drive a car with one [or more] flat tires.

I like to "label" my fear as "confused imagination". The label, "confused" effectively prompts me to sort/analyze what is happening/or has happened that has created the feeling of fear I am currently experiencing.

While it is most unfortunate, our global partners, the organizations within our community, and the old parenting skills choose to manipulate us with the force of threat which then radiates into the FEAR that either cripples us or make puppets of us.

Are you aware that force is only a temporary fix that impedes the growth [self improvement] of the targeted/victimized individual? Add this one thought to your mental library.

How do they accomplish this? Bluntly, and quite simply, we choose to permit FEAR into our lives through "ignorance and/or misplaced trust [which is actually a form of ignorance]". Ignorance is another complex story in itself.

As mentioned in last week's article, FEAR accumulates in our memory bank and comes out to greet us each time something happens to threaten us. This is the door by which we allow FEAR to control our lives. Let's slam the door shut now.

Just believe me when I tell you, "There is NO THING that can happen to you unless you permit/allow it to happen, either consciously or, quite often, unconsciously.

Come back next week. My scheduled blog for next week will be on how "lust" affects your commitment to Self Improvement.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Obstacles to Self Improvement-Part 3a of 6

Good Morning and Welcome Back

Let's explore coping with "Fear". In my opinion, FEAR is the hurdle of all hurdles when it comes to impeding self improvement and personal growth. While it is a feeling you experience NOW, it is mainly one of anxiety and/or expectation of what's going to happen tomorrow, or the tomorrow after tomorrow, "ad infinitum".

Upon sensing the onset of fearful feelings, it is now the time for you to take several deep breaths. Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax. Clear your mind. If this fails, go for a walk in the warm sunshine, or the brisk air that accompanies the fall season, or the falling snow, whatever. Notice the beauty of nature that surrounds you, smell the fresh air, and let your thoughts melt away into the environment of your surroundings. That "You are okay right NOW" is all that matters.

Another helpful exercise would be to discuss your anxiety with an understanding partner, [or what about your reflection in the mirror?] and fully describe the situation and the reason it is bothering you. Now you have two options: either use only the words "Quack, Quack, Quack" without any conjunctions or you can describe your problem in a "Donald Duck" type of voice. Try it. This is also works for a distracting response to anger.

Enough for now. Next week, I will define some of the various feelings that are attributed to fear. By recognizing these feelings, we can address our fears by asking ourselves questions pertaining to: "What is causing me to feel this way?" and "Why am I feeling this feeling?"

One closing thought; "You are responsible for your fear and you, alone, are the only person who can change, redefine, or modify it." When each onset of fear occurs; and, if you make the choice to defer, be rest assured, it will stay with you accumulating "ad infinitum".

Take good care until we meet here again

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Obstacles to Self Improvement-A Review of Parts of 1 and 2 of 6 Obstacles

Good Morning and Welcome Back!

In my previous posts, I have talked about talked about the various aspects of apathy and grief [parts 1 and 2]. What these two emotions have in common is that they concern the past.

You might argue with me that you are feeling overwhelmed and stuck right now. You do have a legitimate observation. However, let me point out, that your current feelings are the result of experiences that have occurred in the past.

Somehow, we have to change our actions and feelings that are based on past experience. It is often said, "Change your attitude [in this case, unconscious habits/recalled experiences] and you will change your life."

You might even ponder this truism as lighted candle in a darkened room. If you accept the truth of this, it might even become one of those "AHAH! moments" that will forever change your life.

To fully understand the "Obstacles to Self Improvement" demands a great deal of determined/passionate "self-searching" and being honest with yourself without being judgmental.

I have spent almost 50 years to acquire the wisdom I am sharing [and attempting to articulate] with you in this blog. Whatever your reactions are; at the very least, you now able to evaluate [or be aware] of your own emotions and how they affect your daily life.

Do Celebrate your Life with Gratitude and Unconditional Love. And, Have a Wondrous and Glorious Week until we meet here again.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Obstacles to Self Improvement-Part 2 of 6

Good Morning and Welcome Back

Last week's blog concerned the feelings of being overwhelmed or stuck and how you can change them into challenges. One emotion that is often the basis of feeling overwhelmed is grief.

Today, I would like to focus this blog on some of the attributes associated with grief. Grief is not just concerning the loss or mourning of a loved one. It is about losing anything you felt that you possessed or enjoyed the experience of having; for example, your job, your house, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, or an unrealized dream.

While I was researching material for this article, I was surprised, almost shocked, to learn that being ashamed and being guilty are also included with feelings of grief. However, when you think about it, this does make sense; you have awakened to a reality of your imperfection.

Grief, including 50+ associated feelings, does not serve you. And what does not serve you is an Untruth.

"How can I stop my grief?" you ask. [At least, I hope you are asking this question.] Grief is holding on to something in your past and through the habit of remembering, you continue to live in the past. There is no way you can move forward in your life while you cling to the past.

I would like for you to take several slow deep breaths and focus on this reality, "I am right here right now."

By ardently practicing this one rule, you can change your thoughts; thereby awakening a change in your attitude, and most importantly, a change in your life.

Take good care and have a Wondrous and Glorious Week until we meet here again.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Obstacles to Self Improvement-Part 1 of 6

Good Morning and Welcome Back,

My approach to Self Improvement has been and continues to be to eliminate the obstacle [weakness] that stifles me at the moment. As soon as I recognize that I am struggling, I take action to change my thoughts.

One of the primary obstacles preventing us from achieving Wholeness is "apathy": those feelings of discouragement and despair; those feelings of being overwhelmed or powerless; of being stuck and unfocused.

"Okay," you say, "How can I get rid of these emotions?"

AHA! Now we focus on winning our new and challenging "game" of Self Improvement. When we accept this challenge, we immediately become focused and unstuck. We now have power. And, furthermore, the feelings of being "overwhelmed" along with discouragement and despair fade away as we see the progress we have made. And as your self confidence grows with winning, your power continues to become stronger as you stay focused on this challenging game. You are now on an upward spiral moving toward your goal.

Always, always keep your focus on winning this game,

Come back next week for some more obstacles that can hinder us from winning our game of Self Improvement.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What is “Truth” and how does it relate to Self Improvement?

Good Morning and Welcome Back!!

How does one start on the road which leads to Self Improvement? I feel a lot can be said to examine what you believe to be true.

I have also come to the conclusion each of us has our own individual truth. On several occasions, I have read or heard the statement, “We are what we believe.”

What do you believe about yourself, about your immediate family members, your friends, your neighbors, your community, and/or your government? Are your beliefs rigid or do you consciously make an effort to expand the scope of your earlier beliefs?

What is the source of information that has formed [and continues to form] your beliefs? Is it by observation, i.e., people watching and personal experience, continuing education, browsing the Internet, television, movies, etc.?

All of this data, positive and negative, is absorbed into your belief system and directly affects your own version of “truth”; and, ultimately your thoughts and actions. Advertising is a prime example.

This is enough for now. In future blogs, I plan to offer thoughts defining some of the emotions that are the basis of the unwanted stress in our daily lives and how this can propel us onto the Road of Self Improvement.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Self Improvement as a Way of Life

Every thought we have, every decision we make and every action we take is for our self improvement either directly or indirectly. Oh, the millions of wondrous possibilities and wondrous probabilities that are available to each of us each day.

 In one source, I counted  44 different aspects of self improvement. These aspects range from "Abundance Prosperity" [very popular these days], Mind Development, Time Management, and also includes information on  Shopping and Product Reviews. This one library contains quite an array of varied information. And, unfortunately, there is a vast amount of misinformation that is also published and available to the ill-informed reader. How does one tell the difference?

One friend of mine, calls it "a jungle". I like this analogy for its visual connotation and for the imagined fear that would be ever present if we were transported to a real jungle. However, when you "people watch" you become more aware of the jungle of imagined fear that encompasses so many people today.

This leads me to the "Law of Cause and Effect". Can you envision Ignorance as being the Cause/Source of Fear? And, then how does this relate to all of Marketing Tactics that are based on Fear? And how does this make you feel when you have been "scammed" [tricked into buying into something that you felt would bring you Abundance and  Prosperity]?

I ask you to ponder these thoughts and your reaction to them. You cannot change your life without allowing new directions to your road map of being. No excuses for the past are allowed. You cannot change the past; it's over; however, you can change the future course of your life by contemplating new thought.

I also ask you to join me in discovering and planting the seeds of Love, Happiness, Joy and Inner Peace in the beautiful garden of Your Innermost Heart.