Refine Your Reality

Refine Your Reality
Spiritual Laws, Quantum Physics, Massive Transformation

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Fallacy of Time [Part 2 of 2]

Organizing Your Daily Responsibilities

As promised, here are some ideas to help you manage and achieve your daily responsibilities:


Think about all the things you want to accomplish at the start of the day. Make a list if you can keep note pads handy. It will make you feel more comfortable andhis is a good way to keep track of your tasks and commitments.

Handling Interruptions

You may have several interruptions that require your attention. Take each in stride. Later, it is important to return your concentration and efforts on the prior item only. Do not give thought to any of the remaining items on your list.

Congratulate yourself upon completion of each item.

Be Creative.

Time is an element when simple creativity can be practiced with great efficiency. Plan your daily tasks around your outside commitments and appointments. There are some things you can accomplish by “multi-tasking” such as laundry, or dishes, if you have a dishwasher.

Arrange to do grocery shopping and other errands after doctor’s appointments. Or you can arrange to pick up the kids from school after shopping. This saves gasoline too. You can even do the cooking at the same time by using a slow cooker as it cooks food all by itself and doesn't require your attention.

New Tasks

When you have to do a certain task for the first time, often there is no clear direction on how it should be done. Take a few minutes to plan it out. If there is no immediacy, you can give thought to this task before going to bed at night. Often you will know how to approach it the next morning. Either way, this will save you from a great deal of anxiety/stress.

Visualize Completed Outcome

Visualize the outcome of your objective and the resulting pleasure. Think about any alternatives that you can do to make it even better. Choose the best one of these.

If there is only one option, just do it “one step at a time". A friend would often remind me, “The difficult, we do now, the impossible just takes a little longer.

There is only this one single moment called NOW. Be happy and above all, “Love yourself” ‘cuz, my friend, that’s all YOU have.

Have a Great Day and thank you for allowing me to share these thoughts with you.

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