Refine Your Reality

Refine Your Reality
Spiritual Laws, Quantum Physics, Massive Transformation

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Using Affirmations as a Key to Achieve Self Improvement

Good Morning and Welcome

Part 2 of 2 - Basic Rules to Follow in Using Affirmations

1. Declare Affirmations in “The Now” and with Gratitude

It is essential to state your affirmation in the present tense, with a feeling of gratitude as though you are already experiencing your desire. For example, “I am grateful I am happy right now.” Always begin your affirmation with the words, "I am".

If your affirmation of a future desire presents a “block” for you, revise it by adding. “I choose to be a happy being right now.” Or, “I allow myself to increase my monthly income $xxx by [??? date].”


Using negative words in your affirmation draws the undesired condition to you. I have heard it said that the mind does not recognize the words “no” and “not”. Thus, in using one of these words in your affirmation, the mind ignores the “no” or “not” words and you end up asking for more of what you don’t want. Ugh!!

3. Use the “KISS” Formula

“Keep it [your affirmation] short and simple.” State your affirmation in concise words which declare your desire using as few words as possible.

Repeat it often and/or make it a mantra. I frequently go to sleep repeating my mantra. And, quite often, I will wake up and be aware that the mantra is echoing in my mind.

4. Take Action

By using your affirmation as a often repeated mantra, it is easy to become so involved in believing your desired goal. Thus, it becomes second nature to select and take the actions to bring it into your experience.

A Word of Caution

Your success in achieving your goals may/may not happen “overnight”.

If you are unsuccessful, more-than-likely, you have some buried subconscious beliefs that are blocking you. These are the multitude of “stickums” that accumulate from childhood, parental, educational, cultural, and other life experiences which are indelibly stored in your memory bank.

Unfortunately, we are limited by these beliefs, whether conscious or unconscious. However, there are many books, ebooks, cassette tapes, CD’s, etc. that will help you to recognize and uncover some of these “blocks”. Some are advertised here; but, there are others as well. My favorite is listed in the bottom section of this blog, Dr. Robert Anthony's "The Dynamic Power of Deliberate Creation".

It is absolutely essential have an open mind, free of pride/ego, approach and analyze all information as it applies to you with complete honesty. Be assured this is your private world and no one else has to be a part of your private journey unless you choose otherwise.

If you follow these rules, affirmations are an excellent way to change your attitude. And, by changing your attitude, you succeed in changing your life.

Take good care!! Make each day a Wonderful and Joyous Thanksgiving Celebration.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Using Affirmations as a Key to Achieve Self Improvement-Part 1 of 2 - What Is An Affirmation?

Good Morning and Welcome

What Is An Affirmation?

According to Wikipedia, an affirmation is a declaration that something is true.

The familiar phrase, “I am, therefore I exist,” is attributed to Descartes as affirming one’s existence as a being. It may be a simple phrase, but it says everything about the individual being who is saying them. It indicates a confidence not commonly found among other beings.

Affirmations in Vogue

While affirmations are used in prayer, the use of affirmations became more in vogue with the New Age Movement.

Affirmation is a combination of verbal and visual techniques that succinctly describes the desired state of mind of a person. Strong affirmations can be very powerful, and can be used by almost anyone to achieve his goals and fulfill his desires. However, the power of an affirmation is often limited by the ingrained belief held by the subconscious mind. Therein lies this challenge.

Affirmation, used in the manner, is an assertion made by a person, about something or about a state of being. A person can choose the desired goals he/she wishes to attain, like “I now have a good life.” Being healthy in mind, body, and spirit can also be made possible through affirmation.

Using Affirmations

Though challenging, the use of affirmations can be a very powerful way to empower one’s subconscious. Once the habits of the subconscious are disciplined to accept one’s affirmation as being true, the conscious mind reacts accordingly with the desired reactions. By using affirmations, one is often enabled to do, to work, and to strive for more things. Affirmations are ways to help people to believe in themselves and to put their thoughts into action.

Come back next week. Our article will outline some of the basic rules you need to follow in using affirmations.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Obstacles to Self Improvement-Part 6 of 6 - Pride

Good Morning and Welcome Back

Pride is a great obstacle to Self Improvement mainly because it is considered as one of the seven deadly sins. According to Wikipedia, "In Ancient Greece, instances of pride were termed hubris because of the added connotation that pride was a crime against the gods and would result in fatal retribution. The word was also used to describe those who considered themselves more important than the gods themselves."

I see pride as an important concept that is really being misused by our culture. I see it is being used as a psychological weapon to influence the masses into buying whatever ideas/things that are being "hawked " by the media; thereby, promoting "pride" as a status symbol of materialistic ownership.

This emotion grows/evolves into some of the other feelings that are part of pride such as: arrogance, judgmental, superior, unfeeling and vain. These are feelings of separateness. There are many historical incidents to support what eventually happens when pride consumes your psyche.

What is "Pride"? It is a verb frequently used in a reflexive sense of "congratulating oneself" [Online Etymology Dictionary @2010 Douglas Harper].

Using this context, taking pride in ones work and/or pride in ones accomplishments can be a good starting point in achieving self improvement. Not only have you done something that benefited you, you have given a unique and special gift, an example, to those around you. My first mentor always reminded me, "By example do we teach."

I also find inner peace through being grateful, not only for the opportunity and experience of learning/doing, but that I was able physically and mentally to meet and achieve my goals.

Take care!! Hope to see you next week with more insights in Self Improvement techniques that you can use.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Obstacles to Self Improvement-Part 5 of 6 - Anger

Good Morning and Welcome Back

In all honesty, "What is your "take" on anger?" Are you prone to get angry often? What is it that makes you angry?

Without being aware of it, many of us spend a great deal of time in the emotional world of anger. Several years ago, my mentor once told me that I lived in the emotional world of anger. I was dumbfounded; and, yes, my 'prideful" feelings were somewhat bruised.

"How could this be," I asked myself. What did I do to make him even suggest that I lived in the world of anger? I guess my error was that I always considered anger as being an outward manifestation of aggressive and belligerent behavior, hostile, outraged,vengeful and violent.

Anyway, I pondered this personal criticism for a long time. If the matter be known, I still ponder it from time to time only because I happen to believe our political environment, no matter what country you live in, cultivates a lot of our anger by nipping away our personal rights/freedoms in the name of religious beliefs or morality. This can and does create an overlying "cloud cover" of stress which effectively blocks the "feel good" emotion of the warm sunshine of the day and the clear starry skies at night.

So, where does this leave us? My own personal solution is to ignore the external influences in favor of seeking the inner peaceful place [heart/soul] of being. This takes a strong intention/determination; but, believe me, it is worth the effort. Unless you can free yourself of the baggage of false teachings/indoctrination, whatever its source, this euphoria of joy and inner peace will not happen.

This series on "Obstacles to Self Improvement" is almost finished. Part 6 of 6 will be related to "pride".

I welcome your feedback. Your feedback/comments are extremely important to me. If you have found these articles to be of help in understanding how these obstacles impact your well being and inner peace; or if you would like additional articles on "Obstacles to Self Improvement" or some other related aspect, please feel free to post a comment.

Until next week, please do take care.