Refine Your Reality

Refine Your Reality
Spiritual Laws, Quantum Physics, Massive Transformation

Friday, May 6, 2011

Yin-Yangs and You [Part 3 of 3]

To conclude this essay on yin-yangs and how this insight can affect your life, we have night and day, hot and cold, good and evil, love and hate, and every duality that exists in nature and in our emotional energies. These opposites all serve a purpose. Knowing this, you have the opportunity to integrate your yin and yang, male and female, dark and light, and experience the fullness of wholeness of who you are! You'll thank yourself.

How Yin-Yangs Are Suppressed

Unfortunately, the reality of yin-yangs are often suppressed, not to be recognized or embraced. Rather than admit it, many people prefer to claim they are not affected by any of these aspects of life. By taking this course of action, they actually end up suppressing the negative belief patterns that are ingrained in their lives.

The Problem

Herein lies the problem: What you deny owns you. So much vital energy is wasted in the automatic suppression of denial. In other words, “Deny it and what you resist will persist.” The same thing happens when you harbor negative thoughts about your circumstances and/or other people.

The Other Way

Likewise, what you accept with grace and gratitude serves to empower you and the abundance of vital energy is your gift.

The irony is that the Whole consists of both dark and light. The ancient symbol of Yin-Yang encompasses all duality and pairs of opposites.

Being your own self is such an empowering experience. I observe the unhappiness of so many people who seem to thrive in this dark arena of life. I've been there and know it has prevented some of the best experiences in my life from happening. You might ask, "Well, if it didn't happen, how do you know it could have been one of the best experiences?" Fair question!

A good example might be the start of a new relationship that really did not “get off the ground”. When this happens, you are haunted by what might have been. This feeling of lost opportunity is akin to grief. There probably isn't a human-being alive that has not experienced this at least once in their life.

When our moods are dark we're likely to experience limitation more often. Ups and downs are a part of life, In gaining perspective of this truth, we are able to eliminate the mood self pity, and jump into the present moment of “here and now”. Then you will discover the joy of living each experience with a sense of brand new wonder and discovery.


Now the opportunity to live the fullest experience in the moment is available. I truly hope you will seize this opportunity, and accept the reality that the beautiful person who looks back at you in the mirror is indeed YOU. Discover who you are; the fullness, the wholeness, the entirety of your true being. It's that blend of being and doing. I'm being me, in the moment, with my mood for company, and am living RIGHT HERE and NOW. My feelings just are; and, in accepting them, I also open myself to a new powerful emotional energy to move in. Life is truly a wonder, our bodies are a wonder, and the experiences are rich. Go for it!

Marvel and mimic those people who are so free, able to dance in the supermarket aisle, to close their eyes on a sunny street in the middle of the day, arms outspread embracing the sun. What limited belief holds you back from being, being all that you are? To be free is to be “you” without any limitations or restrictions. Are you ready? It is your choice.