Refine Your Reality

Refine Your Reality
Spiritual Laws, Quantum Physics, Massive Transformation

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Stressed = Desserts [spelled backward]

Do you ever wonder if this why so many of have problems being overweight?

It is a well-known fact that stress is the source of a multitude of chronic health problems ranging from:

 Heart trouble
 Panic/anxiety attacks
 Angina or heartburn
 Severe Depression
 Irritable Bowel Syndrome
 Hypoglycemia
 Apathy leading chronic fatigue
 Migraine headaches
 Insomnia

Common Causes of Stress

We are literally bombarded with stressful information, whether from the global news of natural or man-made catastrophes; the national news coverage of civil unrest and/or political confrontation and/or economic downturns; or local news coverage echoing the above events that are occurring on the local scene.

Then to offset this, the Madison Avenue media expose us to all the hyped-up products designed to make us rich, beautiful, happy in addition to solving all our problems – for a price. It used to be that one could turn off the television and avoid most of this noise. Now, it has invaded the Internet with its obnoxious pop-up ads and blaring videos.

Stop Stress Now!!

Any feeling that creates a contradiction in and to your feeling of contentment [stress] is an “untruth” and does not serve you. It is just like the virus that infects your computer. Hit the delete key!!

Another way to look at stress is to equate it with confused imagination.

Control Your Exposure to Stress

You can control your exposure a small amount of stress by taking some part in some of the following actions:

 Turn off the TV. I permanently turned off my TV over ten years ago and have never missed the “noise”.
 Turn on your favorite music.
 Go for a walk whenever you feel “stressed out”.
 Visit the library or bookstore. Some bookstores even have coffee shops.
 Start small “de-cluttering” projects. Hold a garage sale or donate unused items to your favorite charity thrift shops.
 Treat yourself by brewing a special cup of tea or coffee and grab a good book to read, if only for a few minutes while the house is quiet.
 Start a craft project you enjoy such as needlepoint, knitting, updating photo albums, etc.

How to Avoid Stress

The best way to avoid stress is to “Live in this moment only, RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW.” The means observe where you are in your current feelings and surroundings without judgment and accept this present moment “Just as it is” with out fear about the future. This moment of RIGHT NOW is all there is.

Disciplining your conscious mind to relax into this mode of thought is THE MOST effective way to avoid stress “period”.

Until we meet again--Have a Wondrous and Glorious Week

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