Refine Your Reality

Refine Your Reality
Spiritual Laws, Quantum Physics, Massive Transformation

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Reclaiming Your Power

Power has many different meanings which can vary among whomever you talk to.

 For some, power is measured by their influence and direct control they have over other people’s lives;

 For others, power is acquired temporarily by the direct control they can exert over other people by means of threat;

 For still others, their claim to power and happiness is measured by the approval of their friends, neighbors and others who belong to their social networks; and the list of meanings goes on.

But what about the personal power that is the core of your being? There are many people who feel entrapped or overwhelmed by their responsibilities in life. Decades go by, each year draining a little more of who we truly are. And then some of us awaken to the fact that we have really lived our life empoverished by these erroneous feelings of entrapment, howbeit, late in life.

At this point, let’s look at a few of the major emotional challenges that are a part of our daily lives,

 We are faced with more chronic health problems which often start in childhood;

 We are living longer, many with declining quality of life;

 The foundation of the “old economy” is changing leaving many without stable incomes;

 And, if this not enough, we are alerted to all the life challenges occurring on the global scale.

Who, When, What, How and Why?

 “Who” means YOU.

 “When” means NOW.

 “What” means it is essential to assume responsibility for our own being. When you try to spend more money than you have, you end up owing a debt. When you over-extend yourself, the same principal applies. Thus, it is absolutely essential that you establish your boundaries; thereby becoming accountable and assuming responsibility for your own inner being.

 “How” means you can reclaim your self-esteem and self confidence by taking action on the following steps;

1. Accept yourself and your current life situation without judgment and/or labels;
2. Learn to live only “in the RIGHT NOW moment” without consideration for past experiences or what the future may hold;
3. Assume an “I can” attitude in all challenges;
4. Believe in yourself;
5. Be grateful and feel good not only for this particular challenge but for your success in acknowledging and confronting it; and
6. Above all, learn to love yourself unconditionally.

 “Why” means to be forewarned, “If you should make the choice to ignore this responsibility by taking no action, you are choosing to continue your emotional suffering and unhappiness.”

Enough said.

Take good care and Have a Wonderful Week!!

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