Refine Your Reality

Refine Your Reality
Spiritual Laws, Quantum Physics, Massive Transformation

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How to Bond on Your First Date

How to bond on your first date presents a few challenges, one or which is the importance of initiating physical contact levels of acceptable touching.

It is essential when meeting a person of interest face-to-face for the first time to establish a basic level of acceptable and mutual touching. This touching contact is essential and goes a long way in establishing the desired bond between you and your partner.

It’s a neat experience, as well as an indication of your lady’s interest in you, when she flirtatiously puts her hand on your knee. WOW!! Then, you can respond later by putting your arm around her waist and pulling her a little closer.

So how do you get to this point in your initial dating relationship? If a lady feels attracted to you, she may be the one to initiate the first physical contact.

But, if the lady seems to avoid your first advance at touching, how can you reach your desire for mutual closeness without creating a greater negative reaction on her part? Now, this where you need to practice finesse.

There is a popular dating theory that advises men to display their “macho” character and just “go for it”. When this happens, the lady will often feel uncomfortable or even “violated” and she will be even more apprehensive on future dates with other men.

On the other side of the coin, you can be too conservative in your encounter and refrain from any kind of touching. This may send negative signals to the lady where she subconsciously assumes that you are not really interested in her or that you are not “macho” enough.

There are a few basic actions you can take that should not be offensive to most of the gals or ladies you encounter and date. In using them as a guide, you will show that you are indeed a caring guy who wants his lady to feel comfortable and safe while in his presence.

 One way to form a positive first impression and create an immediate bond with your date is to gently touch the outside of her right arm upon introducing yourself or get to talking [in the event you are both standing, i.e., waiting to be seated, etc.]. It is even more important to maintain eye contact at all times during your introduction. Touching the outside of a woman’s arm is not intimate enough for this touching contact to cause her to feel uncomfortable or strange. Both eye contact and gently touching the outside of her right arm will send her a signal that you are someone special. Try it - you'll notice the benefits immediately.

 If you are on a date or with a lady you are attracted to, you can follow the above suggestion. And if the occasion permits, for example, if she needs directions to make a telephone call, etc, you have an addition chance for touching contact by placing your hand on her shoulder or take her hand, drawing her a little closer, and gently turning her around so that she is facing the right direction to her desired destination. You might even accompany her a few steps in that direction.

 When the time comes to say good night or good bye after you have made plans to meet again, give her a kiss on the cheek or both a hug and a kiss. Whether a new relationship or someone you care about, by making this gesture before you part with your lady friend, is always a great way of ensuring she remembers you and really cannot wait to see you again.

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