Refine Your Reality

Refine Your Reality
Spiritual Laws, Quantum Physics, Massive Transformation

Thursday, February 3, 2011


If you do not take control of depression, it quickly becomes a downward spiral, much like a whirlpool, into chronic apathy accompanied by inactivity. Much like a whirlpool, it effectively sucks your energy down the drain into despair.

As mentioned before in one my earliest blogs, depression is an aspect of apathy. Depression is commonly described as a low or negative mood and associated with an aversion to activity. It is well-known that almost every human being becomes a victim to depression at one time or more times during his/her lifetime.


The primary cause of depression continues to be the subject of much debate among the experts. Whatever the cause of depression, whether it is from some external event from which we lack control or just one or more days of frustrating events, taking control of depression is absolutely essential.


There are many intensities of depression. Different people react to life events in many differing ways; and, as a result, they can and do experience different intensities of depression ranging from being demoralized to thinking of suicide.

Take heart! If you are experiencing depression, you are not alone. Depression is a common human problem and affects almost everyone one or more times during their life time.


The first step you need to take in counteracting depression is to recognize that the power to take control of depression is within you. While it is not easy, you need to admit to yourself that you, alone, allowed yourself to slide into this mood. And, now, you have the task of climbing out of this damnable abyss of depression.

 First and foremost, be aware that you are feeling sorry for yourself, discouraged, frequently exhausted or fatigued and/or helpless [just to name a few examples of depression].

 Once you comprehend your feelings and why you react the way you do to certain situations, you can then set about arranging your life so as to avoid those situations in the future. And thus, you are better prepared to handle them when you encounter similar situations in the future.

 It is important is to understand that it is possible to become alert to the intuitive alarm that warns you to take preventative steps to stay clear of infectious negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are the seeds of depression. These negative thoughts are like internal video recordings of past failures and disappointments which effectively overwhelm our mood. They lay dormant in memory just waiting for the right set of circumstances to trigger them into replay and we have the pleasure of experiencing the past pain all over again.

It has been said, dangerous self talk and replaying these internal tapes of past failures and disappointments are the most debilitating activities a human being can engage in. In truth, these thoughts only serve to reinforce a negative self image.

 It so often happens our initial perception of the situation at hand turns out to be completely inaccurate. Generally speaking nothing is ever so bad or, as good as it may at first appear. As I have mentioned before, my favorite description for this is: “Confused Imagination”. So, the next step is learning, understanding and accepting that you can take control of depression by what you allow to be accepted as fact by your brain. The axiom, “Garbage in, garbage out”, can be applied to almost every thing we do.

 Therefore, it is essential that negative self talk be immediately replaced by constructive self talk and optimistic visual imaginings. Those negative tapes and videos in the mind must be deleted and recorded over with new images of your successes and achievements. Start writing a daily log or journal, if necessary. I promise, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with your achievements.


In summary of this blog article, you can conquer depression by taking that first step to control your future thoughts and activity. You will effectively take control of depression when you take control of what you allow to enter your brain. Your future is in your thoughts.

Make the decision today to take charge of your life and to live it as you want to and not as others would have you live it.

Whatever you do, do it for you!

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