Refine Your Reality

Refine Your Reality
Spiritual Laws, Quantum Physics, Massive Transformation

Thursday, February 10, 2011

6 Simple Tips for Adult Motivation

There is not a lot of material written about the subject of adult motivation. A review of research indexes indicates there is, unfortunately, little interest in learning about adult motivation. Yet, it is an important driving force in our day-to-day lives.

Consequence of Overlooking Adult Motivation

It is very easy to overlook adult motivation until we become discouraged which can lead to depression. It’s the old downward spiral of the apathy whirlpool that literally sucks our creative energies “down the drain.” As the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Add Adult Motivation to Your Self Improvement Arsenal

Therefore, it is extremely important that we add the hidden strengths of adult motivation to our self improvement arsenal. We can, then, activate this tool when it becomes necessary for us to call upon our adult motivation arsenal when those “blue” moods come to visit us.

Each Decision IS a Goal

Whenever we decide to do anything, the result of that decision is a goal, howbeit, ever small. Motivation can be defined as the power force that keeps us on the path to achievement. True, we can give up achieving the goal; but, then, that decision transforms into a questionable action and the power of adult motivation "goes down the drain" along with the goal.

Here are some simple things you can do to enhance your awareness and strengthen your adult motivation. By incorporating these into your daily life, you will have the tools cope with those “blue” moods before they become more serious obstacles.

6 Simple Tips to Acquire and Maintain Adult Motivation

 Cultivate your sense of humor. Take time to enjoy comedy. Watching “raw” videos that people publish of the funny things their pets do. Find ways to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake. Listen for and to laughter. It is a wonderful antidote in laying the foundation to keeping your adult motivation levels in good repair.

 Observe life around you. Watch how other people resolve their life challenges. You can emulate them; or you learn what not to do if their methods do not “ring your bell.”

 Take pride in your successes and always congratulate yourself.

 Strive to do better and achieve your next desired goal with less stress.

 Be an example to other people. Walk with your head held high and with a firm gait. You can be rest assured someone is watching you, even if you are walking in the park for exercise. I know because I live next to a park that has a walking trail.

 An essential part of adult motivation is having a good moral code. By living by a good moral code, you will experience far fewer “guilt trips” and, hence, a reason to feel “blue”.

Transform these simple tips into habits and you will have a good foundation for adult motivation which will serve you very well in the days, weeks, months or years ahead.

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